Wounded Bitch
“In our day we have seen at the Capitol...in the cell of Juno, a bronze bitch licking her wound; the marvelous spectacle of the monument and its realistic naturalness – you couldn’t tell it from a live dog – appears not only from the fact that it was dedicated in that place, but also from the tremendous step taken to safeguard it: a public decree established that the custodians were to answer for its safety with their lives, since no sum seemed sufficient....” (Pliny the Elder, Natural History XXXIV:38). The Barracco Museum’s small marble sculpture, signed by the artist Sopatros, is probably a copy of the bronze created by Lysippus and seen by Pliny.
Opere del percorso
The hall
These two little rooms display fine copies of Greek sculptures from the early Hellenistic period, together with a number of archaic works.