Ecclesia Romana mosaic

Mosaico con Ecclesia Romana
Mosaic / Intarsia
12th century A.D.
Material and technique: 
Polichrome mosaic with glass-paste tesserae
From St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican
Inv. MB 209

This fragment of a gold-ground mosaic depicts the personification of Ecclesia Romana (the Church of Rome), her head covered with a richly jeweled crown. The mosaic comes from the original decoration of the apse at St. Peter’s, crafted under the reign of pope Innocent III (1198-1216) and destroyed in 1582, during the renovation of the basilica

Opere del percorso

The hall

This room displays Roman artworks, plus some medieval pieces that wind up the long chronological itinerary through the Barracco collection.